Most Believe Employment Recovery is Only Partial

29 August 2017

from the Pew Research Center

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted Feb. 18-22 among 1,504 adults, finds that opinions about whether various aspects of the economy – jobs, household incomes and the stock market – have recovered from the recession are much more positive than they were two years ago.

pewresearchMore See Partial Recovery in Job Situation, Household Incomes—Fully 67% say the job situation has recovered at least somewhat from the recession, which is up 20 points from September 2013. However, most (60%) see only a partial recovery in jobs: Just 7% think that the job situation has fully recovered from the recession. And nearly a third (32%) thinks the job situation “has hardly recovered at all.”

Similarly, more think household incomes have recovered than did so two years ago. But while 51% say there has been a partial recovery in incomes (up from 42% in September 2013), just 4% say they have fully recovered. About four-in-ten 42% think household incomes have hardly come back from the recession.

There has been less change since 2013 in views about recovery in the stock market and real estate. In 2013, majorities said both sectors had either fully or partially recovered, and that remains the case today. But there has been a 10-point increase since then in the share saying the stock market has “fully” recovered from the recession (31% now, 21% then).