• 12 Myths About Writing Your Resume

    29 April 2017

    by Jacquelyn Smith, Forbes Magazine

    resumewritingAs a dedicated job seeker, you’ve probably spent hours writing, tailoring and blasting your perfectly polished resume. You’re confident you have done everything right: The flawless document is confined to one page; includes a clear objective; and lists a plethora of soft skills.  But as it turns out, contrary to popular belief, those features don’t necessarily make for an ideal resume.

    Here are some resume writing myths:

    Myth: You must reference references. “While references will likely matter further into the interview process, noting on your resume that ‘references are available upon request’ will not make your resume stand out,” says Jacob Bollinger, lead data scientist at Bright.com, an employment site with more than 2.5 million job listings. (more…)

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