• Reason for Moving

    29 April 2015
    whypeoplemoveBetween 2012 and 2013, 35.9 million people 1 year and over living in the United States moved to a different residence. The mover rate for this period was 11.7 percent. Why did these people move? As displayed
    in Figure 1, housing-related reasons were the most popular response with 17.2 million (48.0 percent).
    1 Family-related reasons were the second most selected choice with 30.3 percent, followed by job-related (19.4 percent) and other (2.3 percent). These data come from the 2013 Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC) of the Current Population Survey (CPS). The 2013 ASEC questionnaire had a list of 18 common reasons for moving, with an additional option to write-in reasons that did not fit into any of the predetermined choices.


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