• Most Believe Employment Recovery is Only Partial

    29 August 2017

    from the Pew Research Center

    The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted Feb. 18-22 among 1,504 adults, finds that opinions about whether various aspects of the economy – jobs, household incomes and the stock market – have recovered from the recession are much more positive than they were two years ago.

    pewresearchMore See Partial Recovery in Job Situation, Household Incomes—Fully 67% say the job situation has recovered at least somewhat from the recession, which is up 20 points from September 2013. However, most (60%) see only a partial recovery in jobs: Just 7% think that the job situation has fully recovered from the recession. And nearly a third (32%) thinks the job situation “has hardly recovered at all.” (more…)

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